1st Annual Conference


The first “ Annual Conference ” was the occasion to give life to the “ Removal Project ” which saw, among others, as speakers at the interventions table, the participation of then Undersecretary for Transport Bartolomeo Giachino .

LTBF Foundation


In the same year, thanks also to the availability of many associates, a collaboration relationship with the president Irene Pivetti and his LTBF Foundation was started.

Local and National Removals


The Catania assembly also becomes the context for formalizing, by the CCIAA of Rome, the recognition of the standard contract of “ Local and National Removal “.

II ° Itinerant General Assembly


In 2010, the “ II ° Itinerant General Assembly” took place in Catania in a context in which, in addition to the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, and the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, present Dr. Clara Ricozzi , Secretary General of the Council for Road Transport who, on that occasion, reaffirms …

III ° Itinerant General Assembly


On that occasion, a new and important sector study of the relocation scenario in Italy is presented. Rossana Carlini was elected to the Presidency of the “ International Section and for relations with ministries ” while the presidency of the “ FIDI Section ” was confirmed to Max Ajroldi.

III ° Itinerant General Assembly


The “ III ° Itinerant General Assembly ” takes place in 2011 in Vignola (Bo). In that year, the presidency of the AITI was entrusted to Sandro Gobbi who reiterated the importance of continuing the path, already started by the former President Massimo Miani , of strengthening of the AITI communication both towards associates and towards end users.

Annual Conference


This confirms this which confirms the intense collaboration between the A.I.T.I., The CCIAA of Rome and the institutional representatives.

Annual Conference


As is customary, the “Annual Conference” is also held on 11 November 2012 in Rome. The goal of a Ministerial recognition of the A.I.T.I seems to be getting closer and closer. Among the speakers, the presence of the Director General for Transport and intermodality, Dr. Enrico Finocchi, stands out. The meeting marks a further step forward for A.I.T.I. as not …